Thursday, December 18, 2008


This video is really amazing and an eye opener for people who are afraid to evangelize. REAL caring goes a long way......

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Psalm 91 - Devotions -- Day 20

The last devotional was about the defeat of evil. No evil is going to overtake you because you have eternal life in Jesus – who is our secret place. Today we are promised that plagues will not come near our dwelling place.

In the 19th century the bubonic plague wiped our thousands of people. In an effort to stop the plague from spreading, residents were required to post a plague notice on their doorposts. People knew to stay away from that home because the plague had come near.

Do you want to hear some good news? There is NO DEATH in the dwelling place of the Most High! Death was defeated at the tomb when Jesus rose from the dead. I love how the Psalmist reminds us that death will not even come near us!

There is not need for warning signs on the doorpost of your spiritual dwelling place. God provided a cure for the plague! The blood of Jesus is the perfect cure for the plague of death. Through Him we have eternal life. Death does not stand a chance! I am alive forevermore in the secret place of the Most High! No plagues for me!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Which Way Will America Go?

The video below is a message I preached on Sunday, October 27, 2008.

If you will go about 24 minutes into the video, you can pick up where I started preaching. The message of this video is timeless, although,I do mention the election and the candidates for the presidential election.

Our country is at a crossroads -- which way will we go. Our new president has been elected - now what will happen? Which way will we go?

Christians -- Arise!

fbc 102608 from kathy bozeman on Vimeo.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Psalm 91 -- 31 Devotions -- Day 19

Day Nineteen
Psalm 91:10
No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
Have you ever noticed that part of verse 10? I do not think we can fully understand the protection that God is offering us. That word “befall” has an interesting meaning.

Befall means to be taken over. In other words the Lord is promising us that evil will never overtake us. Honestly, we did not have that promise before Jesus came to “dwell” with us through His Spirit. Evil is never going to take over as long as Jesus is in the house! His blood has defeated the evil one. Ultimately, since Jesus rose from the dead, evil does not stand a chance of destroying our eternal life. I know what you are thinking – “but what about the evil in the world that affects me?” Evil can still affect our circumstances, but it will never win over the blood of Jesus for our souls!!!

No evil shall befall you! Count on it!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Psalm 91 -- Devotions -- Day 18

Day Eighteen
Psalm 91:9
Because you have made the LORD, who is my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place,

Yesterday we discovered more about the refuge we have in God. Today, I want you to consider what it means to have the “Most High” as your “dwelling place.”

I love the Old Testament use of the word dwelling. It means to “settle down” to “tabernacle,” “to make a home.” If you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and life then you have made God your place to settle down, to camp out (tabernacle), your home. As I have said before, those of us who are Christians are “in Christ.” Jesus is our dwelling place. I know what you are thinking. What does that mean? How do I get there? How do I know that I am there? These questions and more can be answered by an understanding of FAITH. “For by grace you have been saved through faith….” (Ephesians 2:8-9) “Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things unseen.” (Hebrews 11:1)

It is by faith that we make Jesus our dwelling place! He is our refuge. When we realize that we are in Christ, our dwelling place, we can truly begin to realize the benefits of dwelling in the safe place – the refuge we call Jesus. His provision, His protection, His promises! Salvation, safety, solutions! Abundant life, walking in the Spirit, freedom from the power of sin! All of these are the benefits given to us “in Christ” as we make the Most High our “dwelling place.”

Where Have I Been?

Hey folks,
I am so sorry that I stopped posting. I have gotten a few emails from you asking what happened. I was right in the middle of completing the series on Psalm 91 and then..................I got hooked...............................on............................................Facebook! I am almost embarrassed tot ell you that, but it's true! I joined FB and before I knew it I was looking at all of my friends pictures, chatting with old friends and catching up with people from my former churches. It has been fun, but I am growing weary! So...I plan to come back to the blog so keep checking back!

Psalm 91 starte again on Sunday evening -- September 7!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Psalm 91 -- 31 Devotions -- Day 17

Day Seventeen
Psalm 91:9
Because you have made the LORD, who is my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place,

Years ago I knew a woman who was terrified of storms. She had transformed her basement into a storm shelter. Her husband had built a bed from railroad cross ties. The top of the bed was reinforced with several sheets of plywood. She had designed the bed to have doors. When a storm would come she would get inside her bed, close the doors and wait out the storm. She told me that she felt safe in her basement “refuge.” I have been in her house during a storm. She was right!

We all long for security. We want to feel safe and secure. The psalmist reminds us today that God has provided that safety and security. He knows first hand what it means to live in that refuge.

God is our refuge. God is our safe place. The Bible tells us that we are “in Him.” We will explore what it means to be “in Him” in tomorrow’s study.

My friend with the storm shelter in her basement made the decision to get into that safe place. Each time a storm came she made the conscious choice to go there. As a result of that choice she was rewarded by having peace of mind. She felt secure there. Just as my friend felt safe in her basement, we can find that same security and peace of mind in our Lord.

The psalmist knew the importance of the refuge. Notice that he says, “because you have made the Lord.” Because you have made the Lord your refuge there are going to be some benefits. In the days ahead we will explore some of the blessings of the refuge.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Psalm 91 -- 31 Devotions -- Day 16

Day Sixteen
Psalm 91:8
Only with your eyes shall you look, And see the reward of the wicked.

I would not have used the word “reward” to describe what the wicked will receive as a result of their depraved lifestyle. Reward conjures up visions of winning a prize. Would we want to “reward the wicked” for their wickedness? Punishment seems like a better word.

In order to understand why the word was translated as “reward,” one must understand the Hebrew word “peri.”

Peri has three meanings.
The tangible fruit produced by a plant
The offspring of the womb
The consequences or the result of a particular action

The “reward” of the wicked is actually the fruit produced by living an ungodly life. The reward will be the consequences of a wicked lifestyle. A closer look at the writings of the Apostle Paul will help us understand this “reward.”

Read Galatians 5:17-21. It is interesting to note in these verses that there is a particular lifestyle that will bring destruction into a person’s life. Paul speaks of this lifestyle in verses 19-21 when he describes the characteristics of the “flesh life.” In the second part of verse 21 he states that those who practice this kind of lifestyle will not inherit the kingdom of God. These are very strong words. Christians can sin and still inherit the Kingdom of God. This verse must be speaking to the unbeliever. Although a Christian may commit some of the sins Paul lists, it is highly unlikely that a believer would actually want to continue in the lifestyle that Paul describes.

The reward is the offspring of the curse of sin. The reward of the wicked in Psalm 91 is the “tangible fruit” produced by living an ungodly lifestyle. . The reward is the consequences or the result of a particularly fleshly action in the life of a person.

The Christian has two choices:
Walk according to the flesh (vs. 19-21) where one will reap the consequences of living an ungodly life. Jesus said in John 10:10, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (NKJV) Satan will use these sins in our lives to kill, steal and destroy the abundant blessings in which Jesus wants us to live.
Walk according to the Spirit (vs. 22-23) where one is filled with the fruit (reward) of the Holy Spirit. By faith we make the choice to appropriate the abundant life of Christ in us each day so that the Spirit is giving us the reward of “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.”

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Psalm 91 -- 31 Devotions -- Day 15

Day Fifteen
Psalm 91:8
Only with your eyes shall you look, And see the reward of the wicked. NKJV

We have learned that small words in the Scriptures are sometimes the most powerful. Yesterday we celebrated the little word “but.” Today there is another small and seemingly insignificant word that packs a huge punch of power in our study: ONLY

To speak the word “only” without using it in a sentence is somewhat comical. Say it a few times. Only..only...only! This word may sound comical but praise God, it is powerful!
The dictionary defines ONLY as an adverb with many uses. It means: without others or anything further; alone; solely; exclusively. Today’s verse is very clear. We will ONLY see the reward of the wicked. Only seeing it with our eyes! We will not receive the reward of the wicked. Praise God! Tomorrow you will understand more fully the reward of the wicked.

This powerful little word ushers God’s grace into our lives. Read James 4:4-6. In these verses James says that whoever wants to be a friend of “the world” will make himself an enemy of God. The “wicked” in our verse for today are those who have made friends with the world. They are the ones who have turned their backs on the grace of God.

Those of us who have submitted to the Lordship of Christ have been given “more grace.”(v. 6.) We will not receive our just reward (which should be punishment) for our rebellion against God. Instead, we have been graced by God! We have been given a measure of protection. We will “solely, exclusively without others or anything further” see what is coming to the “friends of the world – the wicked” but their punishment will not touch us!! Because of God’s grace we have been justified, sanctified and glorified!

Romans 8:1 says, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.”

I am so thankful that God has provided not ONLY salvation, but protection and the promise of our verse for today!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Back from Vacation

We are back from vacation. I will post from Psalm 91 tomorrow. I just don't have it in me to write it tonight! Keep checking back.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


I am on vacation beginning right now! I will not be posting again until next Monday, July 28th! Debbie and I are going to the beach! Check back next week!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Psalm 91 -- 31 Devotions -- Day 14

Day Fourteen
Psalm 91:7
A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you. NKJV

In today’s emphasis we have one of the most powerful and wonderful words in all of scripture. The word is small however without it scripture would paint a grim existence for us. If the word of God is “sharper than an two-edged sword” then the point of that sword is “BUT.” I am so thankful for “but” in the scripture for today. Read it again. Read it one more time! Oh yes, my friends, thousands may be falling all around you BUT...BUT...BUT... the destruction does not come near us! How can it be?

Remember to always keep these verses in context. (Day 13) We must always interpret Old Testament (old covenant) scripture though New Testament (new covenant) understanding. Remember all of the Old Testament was written BEFORE the cross of Christ.

New Covenant Interpretation: Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (NKJV) Do you see the similarity between Psalm 91 and Romans 6:23?

A thousand may fall at your side....for the wages of sin is death
BUT it shall not come near you.....BUT the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus

Do you see why I am so excited about that little word “but?” “BUT” ushers in the grace of God. Without the BUT of these verses, you and I would be in big trouble! Consider what Romans 6:23 would mean for you without the BUT!

“For the wages of sin is death.”

Have you sinned? Of course you have sinned! Without the BUT you are dead! BUT, with the BUT Psalm 91 and Romans 6:23 promises us protection, deliverance and eternal life! Praise God for BUT!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Psalm 91 -- 31 Devotions -- Day 13

Day Thirteen
Psalm 91:7
A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you. NKJV

Have you ever felt unprotected? Vulnerable? Have you ever suffered from SDS? (Sitting Duck Syndrome) Many people all around you are sitting ducks, and are in the direct line of fire from Satan’s “fiery darts.” We have been learning that we have protection from those flaming arrows of deceit as we rest in the proctection and provision of the Almighty!

Protection is a wonderful commodity in the life of the believer. God has given us many promises in His Word concerning His protection. Verse 7 is just one of those precious promises.

As we study through Psalm 91 we must always keep these verses in context. We must always interpret Old Testament (old covenant) scripture though New Testament (new covenant) understanding. Remember all of the Old Testament was written BEFORE the cross of Christ.

Context: Verse 7 promises protection for those who are in the “secret place of the Most High.” Verse 1 frames the context for the rest of the Psalm. The provision, protection and promises are only for those who have found themselves in that secret place. As we have already learned, that secret place is in Christ.

Thousands of people around you may be falling prey to Satan’s schemes and will literally die and go to hell. “Ten thousand” is better translated in the Hebrew as “myriads.” In other words large numbers of people very close to you (at your side and your right hand) are affected by the destruction brought on by sin.

The good news is that we are protected from the wages of sin which is death. (Adam’s sin in the Garden of Eden -- READ Genesis 3) Because of what Jesus did on the cross, the curse of sin is canceled! Thousands around us may be perishing in their sin, but death will not take us! We live forever! (John 3:16) Christians do not suffer from SDS! We are NOT sitting ducks! Praise God!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Psalm 91 -- 31 Devotions -- Day 12

~Day Twelve~
Psalm 91:6
Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.

Today is day twelve. We are almost to the half way mark in our daily devotional study of Psalm 91. Today brings us to the last of the situations in this powerful Psalm in which we are compelled to use the “shield of faith to quench the fiery darts of the wicked one.”

Terror by night
Arrows that fly by day
Pestilence that walks in darkness
The destruction that lays waste at noonday

The word “destruction” in Hebrew is an interesting word. It is used most often when describing the devastating effects of a horrific storm. It is the kind of destruction that destroys and then carries away the debris.

When I was doing the study on this word I was reminded of a horrible storm that occurred on Palm Sunday, 1994 in my home town of Piedmont, Alabama. The storm completely destroyed the Goshen United Methodist Church buildings. Ninety people were injured and twenty people lost their lives that day. As television footage began to stream into our homes, we sat in awe of the physical destruction of the properties in that community. Debris had been carried for miles. A childhood friend of mine lost everything that day. His house was completely destroyed. The mailbox post was sucked out of the ground never to be seen again!
Because of the destruction and loss of life the state of Alabama has spent millions of dollars on tornado warning systems.

Jesus said, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.” (John 10:10 – emphasis mine -- NKJV) According to Jesus, Satan has made it his purpose to steal, kill and destroy the abundant life of every Christian. Unfortunately, many times we drop the shield of faith and allow our joy to be swept away in the tornado of satanic confusion. When this happens the unmistakable path of the storm can be seen in our lives. Debris (consequences of our sin) will be scattered all around.

Consider this devotional a warning for the approaching storm! Satan will bring the storms of life your way! Take cover now! Hold up the shield of faith and proclaim victory over Satan

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1 (NKJV)

Friday, July 11, 2008

No Psalm 31 Today

I am busy in GA with a wedding -- I will be back with Psalm 91 in a day or two. I hope you all have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Psalm 91 -- 31 Devotions -- Day 11

Day Eleven
Psalm 91:6
Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.

Day Eleven brings us to the third of the list of four situations in which we are compelled to use the “shield of faith to quench the fiery darts of the wicked one.”

Terror by night
Arrows that fly by day
Pestilence that walks in darkness
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language defines the word pestilence as a pernicious, evil influence or agent. (Reference -- estilence. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Retrieved November 13, 2006, from website: Barnes Notes teaches that the movement of this pestilence, (evil influence or agent) which is described in the English translation as “walks,” actually “seems to creep along as if in the night; that is, where one cannot mark its progress, or anticipate when or whom it will strike.” (from Barnes' Notes, Electronic Database. Copyright (c) 1997 by Biblesoft)
Sounds like Satan to me! Evil influence! Agent of Evil! Absolutely! The aforementioned commentary from Barnes Notes is a perfect description of how “your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. “ (1 Peter 5:8) He slithers into our lives, creeping along, in the darkness anticipating when to strike.
I have more good news for you today! The Psalmist has promised us that living in the truth of God’s Word and walking under the protection of the shield of faith is the place to be for protection from that slithering snake named Satan! When I was a child my mother taught me that there were certain things to do to keep the snakes away. I remember once when we sprinkled moth balls around the vegetable garden as a barrier to keep the snakes away.
Hallelujah! Praise God! He has surrounded us! He has placed a barrier between Satan and us! He has covered us with His feathers (protection). He has bought and covered us with the blood of Jesus. Satan may slither into our lives and try to devour us with his pestilence but God is more powerful! You do not have to be afraid of the pestilence that walks in darkness!
Call upon the name of Jesus today! Rebuke Satan in Jesus name. Read James 4:7. Submit to God, resist (rebuke) Satan and watch him run away!! You do not have to live in fear!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Psalm 91 -- 31 Devotions -- Day 10

Day Ten
Psalm 91:5
You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day,

Day 9 gave us the promise of deliverance from fear. Read Psalm 91:5a. “You shall not be afraid...”

President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” I agree with the spirit of President Roosevelt’s statement because of the nature of fear. Fear paralyzes its victim!

When we lived near the Great Smoky Mountains National Park we regularly visited the Cades Cove picnic area. On more than one occasion a black bear would wander into the picnic area looking for food. These bears are beautiful but very dangerous. In order to neutralize this powerful creature the Park Ranger would shoot the bear with a tranquilizer dart. The bear would take a few steps and fall lifeless to the ground. The bear was not dead, just unconscious and totally at the mercy of the Park Ranger.

Have you ever been so afraid of or about something that you felt paralyzed with fear? Satan uses fear in a Christian’s life in much the same way the Park Ranger uses tranquilizer darts. Satan will shoot his fiery darts at Christians hoping that they will become so afraid that the fear they are experiencing will literally paralyze them spiritually. Many times this fear hinders the Christian from something God is calling them to do. Fear wins over obedience. Unfortunately this happens more often than most Christians would like to admit. They fall into a catatonic spiritual state and seem to be at the mercy of Satan.

The good news for you today is that Satan’s arrows must penetrate the covering of God in the Christian’s life. We get into big trouble when we do not trust God. Faith is the covering of God. Psalm 91 says that we do not have to be afraid of the “arrow that flies by day.” Do you remember the shield of faith from Ephesians 6:16? Its purpose is to “quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.” It is your faith in God, through Jesus, that quenches Satan’s paralyzing darts of fear.

I have some very serious questions for you today.
Where is your faith?
Are you using your faith as a shield or are you walking in naked disobedience, fully vulnerable to the fiery darts of the wicked one?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Psalm 91 -- 31 Devotions -- Day 9

Day Nine
Psalm 91:5
You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day,

One of the blessings of truth is that in most cases it will kill the power of fear. The fear of the unknown is sometimes the worst kind of fear. Fear of the unknown is the kind of fear the Psalmist addresses in verse 5 -- “...the terror by night.”

When are we most vulnerable? It is definitely while we are sleeping. We surrender total control when we sleep. The “unknown” happens while we sleep.

As a former Youth Pastor I have spent many sleepless nights on retreats and youth activities because I did not trust what might happen when I put myself at the mercy of my youth group. Before I go to bed at our home, the last thing I do is to set the security system so that there will be no surprises as I surrender into sleep. When I stay in a motel I always check the door to make sure it is locked before I turn out the lights and go to sleep. There have been many times when I have been awakened suddenly and found myself experiencing sheer terror!

We have an incredible promise from the Word of God today. “You shall not be afraid...” Wow, that statement is very bold. “You shall not....” gives me great hope because this is a statement of fact – the truth – not an opinion or an option. I have great hope because I know that my feelings are going to follow what I believe. Change your thoughts...change your life!

Consider the truth in Paul’s writing to Timothy. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7 – NKJV – emphasis mine) The kind of fear about which the Psalmist is writing is not from God. Knowing the truth about the origin of fear is to begin living in the truth of this statement: “You shall not be afraid of the terror by night...” God has given us a very practical tool by which we can combat the terrors of night. It is simply PRAYER. Each evening as I close my eyes I pray a prayer that goes something like this: “Father, be the Lord of my sleep tonight. Please protect me and my family!” God always honors that prayer. Many times I have fallen asleep peacefully while I am praying. There has not been a single time that I have had a nightmare or terror by night when I have drifted off to sleep in the arms of my Savior! Try this prayer in your own life! God will honor a prayer that shows we trust Him.

God wants us to trust Him. What are you afraid of? Psalm 91 is full of truth. Change your thoughts...change your life!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Time Off ~ Happy 4th!!

Hey Everybody!
I hope you have a great July 4th Holiday! I am taking a couple of days off so I will not be blogging again until Monday, July 7th. Please come back!


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Psalm 91 -- 31 Devotions -- Day 8

~Day Eight~
Psalm 91:4
He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.

Five of the happiest years of my life were spent on the ministerial staff of First Baptist Church of Pigeon Forge, Tennessee – right in the heart of the beautiful Smoky Mountains. Because of the many wise people in that church, I learned much about ministry that has helped me immensely since that time. My secretary at the church, Mildred Louise Large, was one of those wise people. She is one of the most “truthful” people I have ever met so it stands to reason that she would be a strong proponent of “truth.” Whenever I became distraught about something or someone, Louise would look me straight in the eyes, make me focus on the truth of that situation, and say, “Tim Childers, the truth will stand when the world is on fire.” I could ALWAYS (and still do!) count on Louise to tell me the truth about anything....even when I did not want to hear the truth.

“His truth shall be your shield and buckler.” (emphasis mine)

The theme throughout Psalm 91 is the blessings and protection in the presence of God, the Most High. In the last half of verse 4 the psalmist introduces the “how to” of the protection we enjoy. We have learned that there is a secret place of the Most High, under the shadow of the Almighty, our refuge and fortress who covers us with His feathers. How does the Most High God protect us? The answer to that question is simply: TRUTH!

Let’s go a little deeper today. Really think about this. What language does Satan speak? According to John 8:44 Jesus is very clear that Satan’s native language is lying. Jesus even calls Satan the father of lies. When Satan or one of his agents of darkness speaks to you it will be in their native tongue – lies! He will set his snare to catch you through lying to you. Our Protector, the Most High God combats these lies in our lives through TRUTH.

The truth of God is described as a shield and buckler – the picture of armor – the protection for a soldier going into battle. In Ephesians 6 Paul uses the armor of the Roman soldier to describe the protection we have in Christ.

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, Ephesians 6:14 (NKJV – emphasis mine)

The Roman armor was held together by girding (wrapping) the armor to the mid-section. The belt held the armor together. To remove the belt was to remove the armor. Hence, to remove truth or to believe the lies of Satan is to remove the protection of God in our lives. God wants us to walk in the truth.
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6 – NKJV)
Jesus said, “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32)

“Gird up” your LIFE with truth today. The truth will stand when the world is on fire!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Psalm 91 -- 31 Devotions -- Day 7

~Day Seven~
Psalm 91:4
He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.

What happens to you after the Father has delivered you from the snares of the old fowler himself --- Satan? What is God’s plan for you on a daily basis? Verse 4 is a wonderful preview of the intimate relationship with God that we can enjoy daily. God gave us this relationship when He placed us “in Christ.”

Think of a place where you have felt cozy, safe, warm and comfortable. I remember such a place in my childhood home.

The back half of our house was not heated in the winter. Obviously the temperature dropped very low in my bedroom. Brrrrr! It was COLD in there! The good news is that I had an electric blanket. My bedtime was 9:00 p.m. each evening. Thirty minutes before bedtime I would go to my room and switch on the power to my blanket. There were actually times when the steam of my breath was visible. I would run as fast as I could and jump under the covers. I can still feel the warmth of that electric blanket on my feet. I felt safe and secure in the refuge of those electric covers!

We have a wonderful promise in verse 4: Covers! The psalmist uses the metaphor of feathers to describe the covering which belongs to us as children of God. Feathers are an interesting creation of God. In doing a little research on the subject of feathers I discovered that they have basically two functions: Insulation and flight. Insulation provides a covering that protects the bird. Flight serves as a means of deliverance from one place to another.

As we discovered on Days Five and Six, the wings of the Father has “delivered” you from the pestilence and destruction of the curse of sin to an abundant life of blessings. He has done this through the death and resurrection of is Son, Jesus. Now His desire is to cover you “as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings.” (Matthew 23:27) The Psalmist calls this covering a “refuge.” It is, my friend the safest place you can be today. It is a place where the Father gathers you, covers you and “insulates” you with the righteousness of Christ. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! (2 Corinthians 5:21) Indescribable joy fills me as I write these words! Satan cannot have me! I belong to Jesus! How about you?

Monday, June 30, 2008

Psalm 91 -- 31 Devotions -- Day 6

~Day Six~
Psalm 91:3
Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler And from the perilous pestilence.

Have you ever left your freezer or refrigerator unattended and come home to find that the power had been off for some time and all the contents had gone bad and started to smell of rotting meat? An incident like this one happened to us. Actually it happened to my wife Debbie. I was not with her when she discovered the “perilous pestilence” inside our refrigerator and freezer. She called me and gave me “color commentary” as she cleaned the rotting meat from the fridge. I will spare you the details, but she has never forgotten the smell or the clean up!

Yesterday we claimed the promise of deliverance by God from the snare of the fowler. Let’s continue with the theme of deliverance today as we look to the second half of verse 3. There are two interesting words in today’s verse: perilous and pestilence.

Perilous – Strongs Exhaustive Concordance and Dictionary defines perilous as iniquity, perverse thing, wickedness.
Pestilence – Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance and Dictionary defines pestilence as plague and death.

Satan’s schemes always lead to “iniquity or sin, perverse things, wickedness, death and destruction.” The wages of sin (Romans 6:23) because of Adam’s curse is death and the plague of destruction. The word plague is a reminder of death and by association the stinch of rotting flesh. (Read John 10:10) HOWEVER.....Jesus always leads to life. Our deliverer came to deliver us from the destructive schemes (wiles) of Satan.

John 3:16-17 says:

16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. (NKJV)

Oh, my friend, Jesus has come into the world to be our Deliverer! He has rescued us from the curse of sin, perverse things, wickedness, death and the plague of destruction. He was charged to come to the earth and clean up the stench of rotting flesh works. Jesus has come to give us abundant, eternal life!! (John 3:15-16 and John 10:10) Will you accept that gift today? Yes, Christian, I am talking to you, too! Will you choose to walk in the rotting stench of the works of the flesh! Or, will you choose to walk in the life of Christ today? Let Jesus deliver you today!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Psalm 91 -- 31 Devotions -- Day 5

~Day Five~
Psalm 91:3
Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler And from the perilous pestilence. NKJV

I am a product of the 1950’s. Those of us who were born during this era are known as a “baby boomers.” We were raised with one thing in common; we were the first generation to watch television on a regular basis. I had my favorite shows just like everyone else. One of my favorite television shows was on Saturday mornings. It was actually the replay of the old Tarzan movies starring Johnny Weissmuller. On more than one occasion the plot of those movies would include a scene of Tarzan running through the jungle. He would swing on vines, leap over streams, wrestle alligators, fight with lions and tigers and step into snares. Yes, even Tarzan would fall prey to the “snare.” It was a clever trap hidden in the brush. The unsuspecting Tarzan would be caught up in a spring loaded net. The snare would leave him hanging high in the tree with no hopes of escape. Of course he was Tarzan...he always escaped.

One of the great promises to you from the scripture for today is “deliverance.” The word is clear. God will deliver you from the snare of the fowler. In your case the fowler is the evil one – Satan. Ephesians 6:11 makes it very clear that Satan has schemes (wiles) which are customized just for you. Just like the snare in the Tarzan movies, they are cleverly hidden. The unsuspecting Christian is caught up in the spring loaded scheme of the devil himself. The snare of Satan would seem to leave us hanging high with no hope of escape. But, praise be unto God, our Deliverer, our Fortress, our Rock. In Christ Jesus, we are more than conquerors! (Read Romans 8:37)

As you go through your day, walk with your eyes open and looking around. (Read Ephesians 5:15) If you do find yourself in a snare, call on your Deliverer. He is faithful to deliver you from the snare of the fowler.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Psalm 91 -- 31 Devotions -- Day 4

~Day Four~
Psalm 91:2
I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust."

On October 31, 1974 I asked Debbie to take my hand in marriage. Fortunately she loved me enough to look past all of my faults and say YES. I will never forget the sight of her walking arm in arm with her father down the aisle of Valley View Baptist Church on the evening of our wedding. It was August 15, 1975 and I had never seen her look so beautiful! The thoughts of her being “my wife” were rolling around in my head. MY wife...She would be mine. She would not be anyone else’s wife she would be MY wife! WOW!

David forcefully makes the statement that the Lord would belong to him as his God. “My God,” he said. David knew the importance of identifying the Lord God as “his.” David had called on “his” God personally in times of fear when he was a shepherd. David called on “his” God when Goliath the giant Philistine was on the warpath. In each case David’s personal God had given the victoy!

God is a jealous God. He does not want us to put anything before Him. He wants and deserves our full attention, obedience and love. This was not a difficult thing for David at this point because of all the situations that David and God had been through together. He reaffirms his faith in God by saying that all of his trust is in the Lord.

Debbie has proven herself to me through the years of our marriage. We have been through some tremendous struggles and awesome happy times together. I trust her. I would trust her with my life. No second thoughts, not a single question, I trust her. Oh that you and I could get to the place in our lives where we could trust God the same way – for our lives, no second thoughts, not a single question – just trust.

Wise Solomon said:
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

Is God your one and only God? Have you placed all of your faith in Him? Do you trust Him?

Psalm 91 -- 31 Devotions -- Day 3

~Day Three~
Psalm 91:2
I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust."

Life is full of choices!

The great American evangelist, Vance Havner once said, “Life is a series of choices between the bad and the good and the best. Everything depends on which way we choose.”

This great quote is true in the Christian’s life. The choices we make every day can determine the outcome of our lives.

David made the correct choice and he was emphatic about it. He said, “I will say....” You can hear the determination in his voice to make the right choice. David is most famous for a few of his bad choices, i.e. Bathsheba, etc. In this case he is determined to make the right choice in the Lord. The Lord is David’s refuge and fortress.

Will you make the right choice today?

The Lord as your refuge~
Where do you run when you need a safe place? Where do you go when you need answers to questions? David said that the Lord is his refuge. The Hebrew word for refuge comes from the root word chacah. It means to flee for protection. Figuratively it means “to confide in.” In whom will you confide today? Make the right choice. Make the Lord your refuge – your confidant. You can trust Him!

The Lord as your fortress~
Where do you find your security? Do you find security in family members? Possessions? Career? Church? There was only one place where David felt safe and secure. It was in the Lord as a “fortress.” A fort is a built up defense from the enemy. In David’s case he knew that his best defense was in the Lord. Do you think that David has forgotten Goliath? Of course not! It would have been impossible for David to forget the miraculous way God destroyed the giant when he fully trusted Him. (Read 1 Samuel 17:45-47) As a young man David trusted God to do big things and God did big things! God defended David against the lion, the bear and Goliath. It is no wonder that David could say with certainty, “I will say of the Lord.”

Jesus asked his disciples, “...But, who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15-NKJV) He is asking the same question of you. Who is the Lord to you, today? Make the right choice. Read Psalm 91:2 again. Make the right choice!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Psalm 91 -- 31 Devotions -- Day 2

Day Two
Psalm 91:1
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

I grew up in rural Alabama. My mother’s house sits far back off the main road and is surrounded by huge oak trees. As a young boy, during the long hot Alabama days I would play outside all day long. Whew! It was hot! I can remember working very hard at cutting the grass or helping my mother in the garden. I would be SO hot! The sun would beam down until the ground was parched, as was my throat. After a while I would head to the shade of those huge oak trees. I would feel the cool green grass under my feet. Usually Mother would fix us a drink of ice water! Thank God for the shade, my mother, and the ice water!

David’s words in our scripture for today remind me of those “shade trees.” (That was my mothers name for them.) His promise is for us to abide under the “shadow” of the Almighty. The oak trees offered a tremendous shadow for my rest from the hot sun. God Almighty offers much more than a temporary quiet “rest.” Let me explain.

David uses the word abide. He says that we can “continue, dwell, endure, be left, lie all night, lodge, to stay permanently” in the shadow (shade) of the Almighty God of the universe. In His presence we have His provision, His protection, and His promise that He will never leave us. (Read Hebrews 13:5) Have you ever tried to outrun your shadow – it is impossible! Your shadow goes with you everywhere you go! The shadow of the Almighty covers those who rest in His shade! He covers you everywhere you go!!

Now spend some time meditating on the blessings that flow to us as we “rest” in this truth of this scripture.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Psalm 91-- 31 Devotions -- Day 1

Psalm 91:1
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

When I was younger there was a popular television show called, “I’ve Got a Secret.” It had several hosts, but the one I remember was Bill Cullen. The format of the show was pretty simple. Sitting together on one side, behind a desk, each of four panelists took a 30-second turn questioning and then guessing a contestant's secret. The contestants were a mixture of ordinary people and celebrities. In the opening show in 1952 it was revealed that Boris Karloff’s (horror movie star) secret was that he was afraid of mice!

We are intrigued by secrets aren’t we? I love the one in our focus scripture today: “the secret place of the Most High.” The obvious truth here is that we can dwell in the secret place of God.

The Hebrew word for “dwell” is yashab. It means to “sit down, specifically as judge.” (footnote here – Strongs 3427) The English word is simply not strong enough to convey what dwell really means. In contrast, if one were to relax around a table in a casual setting, the word “recline” would have been used to describe their posture. Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father. Jesus sits in authority. (Hebrews 12:12)

Friend, in Christ we have may precious promises. One of the greatest promises in scripture is spoken by Jesus in the Revelation.

20 “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.

21 To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. “
Revelation 3:20-21 (NKJV)

Do you realize what you just read? The child of God is granted the privilege of sitting in Jesus’ lap on the throne of God! The secret place is a glorious place. In Christ, as over comers, we are already there.
(READ: Ephesians 2:4-6)

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Secret Place -- Introduction


In 1999 a woman in our church, (First Baptist Church of Mableton, Georgia) named Sandra Robinson walked up to me on a Wednesday evening and spoke these words: “Pastor Tim, the Lord told me to tell you to read Psalm 91.”

I went home that evening and did not think much about her statement to me. The next day when I opened my Bible to read Psalm 91, I immediately knew that God was speaking to me in a powerful and direct manner. The words jumped off the page and came alive. My eyes filled with tears as I began to understand that the Most High was calling me to the altar in the Worship Center upstairs from my office.

I ran upstairs, fell on my face at the altar and began to pray Psalm 91 to the Lord. Tears of joy flowed from my eyes as I filled in my name and personalized the entire Psalm. God’s provision, protection and promises were real to me that day. The Word of God is ALIVE!

“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword , piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
Hebrews 4:12 (NKJV)

My prayer for you as you begin this 31 day journey is that Psalm 91 would come alive and be as powerful for you as it did for me. I have designed this devotional study so that with each day you pray Psalm 91 to the Lord, calling upon Him for His provision, protection and promises.

Let God take you to that secret place!

Tim Childers

Saturday, June 21, 2008

What a Week!

I am sorry that I have not been so faithful to post this weekend, but this week has been very busy. I have had 3 funerals, 2 major hospital events, 1 wedding to attend and a host of other pastoral duties.

I will try to be more faithful next week. I am going to start posting a daily devotional based on the book I am writing based on Psalm 91. Check it our starting on Monday evening.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Life of Riley!

I can remember an early television show called "The Life of Riley." I seem to remember that Riley had it pretty good. Later, the phrase "the life of Riley" has come to mean a life of ease. Generally, someone who is living the life of Riley has it made.

When Jesus spoke of the abundant life in John 10:10 I believe that He was speaking of giving believers the life of Riley. Oh, I know what you are thinking. The Christian life is tough. There are struggles and even the Bible promises that we will have trials. The truth is: WE HAVE IT MADE! Paul, the preaching apostle, said it best: "To live is Christ, to die is gain." (Philippians 1:21) Even though we have trials, even though things can be tough -- we have Christ as our life. God's grace pours over us and we are able to go through whatever we need to go through because of the life of Christ in us! (Christ -- our HOPE of glory!)

If the trial kills us -- we gain! We go into the presence of the ONE who made eternal life possible! Jesus.

We have it made! We can actually live "The Life of Riley!!"

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thermometer or Thermostat???

Do you know the difference between a thermostat and a thermometer? A thermometer merely tells what the temperature is in a particular area. If you thermometer reads seventy degrees and you place that thermometer in a room that is currently eighty degrees, the thermometer will change to register whatever the room temperature is. It won’t be long before the thermometer reads eighty degrees. It always adjusts to its environment.

The thermostat, however, adjusts the room temperature. If the thermostat is set at 70 degrees and the room is eighty degrees, the temperature of the room changes to conform to whatever the thermostat is reading. The room will become seventy degrees!

You live you life as either a thermostat or a thermometer. You can either blend in the crowd, or you can change the crowd. You are either influencing others or they are influencing you! You can make a difference in this world! As Jesus lives through you – you will be come that thermostat for change! As Jesus changes you from the inside out – you will become that thermostat for change!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Guilt Vs. Conviction

When I was a kid I had several chores that I was required to do by my parents.
  • Help work in the garden
  • Take out the trash
  • Make up my bed
  • Clean my room
  • Cut the grass

During the days of summer I would dread doing some of those chores. I particularly hated cutting the grass. We never seemed to have a lawnmower that wanted to start! My daddy would work on those mowers and try to keep them tuned up, but I would pull and pull and pull.

Many days I would pray for rain so I would not have to cut the grass. As time passed during the day and it would it would be time for daddy to come home -- well, I would panic! Guilt would start to overcome me. I felt so guilty when I did not do what my daddy wanted me to do. The reason I felt so guilty is that I WAS GUILTY! I was disobedient because I knew that I should have cut the grass early in the day.

Feeling guilty is one of the devil's greatest weapons in his arsenal of deception. You see, when I felt guilty for not cutting the grass the real feeling of worthlessness is what overtook me. When my dad started to call me lazy, etc., I felt so guilty. Guilt never motivated me to do anything.

Conviction on the other hand affects me differently. It is a tool that God uses to help me see that I are missing His blessings if I disobey Him. Conviction motivates -- guilt paralizes! Conviction is simply realizing that what you are doing is wrong and changing direction. Conviction leads to repentance. Guilt leads to more guilt.

In my relationship with God I have come to realize that He does not want me to feel guilty -- He wants me to feel convicted. For many years I related to God to the way I related to my earthly father. When I would miss the mark, disobey, willfully sin -- I would start to feel guilty. I would feel worthless. I would feel so hopelessly rejected by God. Nothing could be further from the truth. He was not rejecting me -- He was convicting me -- showing me, loving me, teaching me, and helping me!

  • Guilt = Satan's tool
  • Conviction = God's instruction

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Simplicity of Grace

Several years ago God arranged for me to get a glimpse of what His grace is all about. Many of you have heard my testimony about the day when God broke into my depression and shined a very bright light called grace and truth.

Through the years as I have walked with God I have come in contact with people who have complicated the grace of truth of God.

Grace is not complicated at all. We do not deserve God's love, forgiveness, or acceptance. God's grace simply says -- I love you, I forgive you, I accept you! He showed me this in the most wonderful, personal way!

He also shined the light of His truth. I love the truth. The Bible says that it will set you free. Of course Jesus said that we will know the truth and the truth will set us free. Jesus said that if we have the SON then we will be free. Jesus also said the HE is the way the TRUTH and the life. No one will come to the Father unless they go through Jesus!

I understand now that God's simple grace is that Jesus has given me an incredible gift -- something I do not deserve. LIFE -- Abundant, eternal life!

The temptation is to make all of this more complicated that it really is. Keep it simple!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Honoring God's Word

This Sunday is Father's Day. For some reason Father's Day is not nearly as much of a big deal as Mother's Day! Now I am not bitter about it but it is true.

Our Fathers have a huge influence in our lives. The image of our fathers as we are growing up has a direct influence on how we relate to our heavenly father. My daddy's words were not often positive. I rarely remember when he said much of anything positive. I have tried.

When it comes to my relationship with God, the Father, there was a time when I struggled with the idea that He could ever accept me. It was His Word -- His words -- that changed my view of our relationship! Galatians 2:20 changed the way I live my life. I heard those words straight from the Father, accepted the truth of the verse in love and was set on a path of change that would revolutionize my home life and my ministry. I listened to the loving Word of God!

This Sunday on Father's Day I will be preaching a message called: "Honoring God's Word." My prayer is that our church family will hear the word of the loving Father calling to them in their most inner parts!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Joy of the Lord is Our Strength

This afternoon I was called to the bedside of a wonderful lady who is a member of our church who has fought cancer for a number of years.

Several months ago I met this person a few days after I arrived in my office as pastor of First Baptist Church of Sylacauga, Alabama. When she left the office I commented to my secretary that she was a sweet lady who obviously had the Spirit of God radiating from her. Sharon, my secretary told me of her fight with cancer and said that she had rallied back a few times. She has an incredible network of prayer warriors.

When I arrived at the hospital I found a flurry of activity around her bed with family, friends and nurses. I had been told that her liver had shut down and that she did not have long to live. When I walked up to her bedside she looked at me, smiled a very wide smile and said, "well preacher, it's about time you got here!" I was so relieved. Her condition is very serious, yet she found the joy inside to make a joke for her pastor. Amazing grace!

Later, as time passed more people arrived and it was getting very crowded in the room, even though the hospital had transferred her to a suite. I sensed that it was time to have a prayer with the family and make my exit so that the family have spend as much time with her as possible. Just before I called the people together I hear her ask one of her friends if she would let her wear her diamond rings. Her friend had big diamonds on every finger of both hands. Slowly but surely her friend removed each ring and slipped it onto her hands. She was laughing, her friend was laughing, I was laughing -- the whole room was laughing! It was great. Charlie Sanders was standing next to me. (Charlie is a great brother in Christ who can pray heaven down.) Charlie said, "pastor, the joy of the Lord is our strength." I agreed with Charlie with a huge AMEN! It became so obvious that NO ONE could be going through this kind of pain and anxiety with an abundance of such joy unless it was coming directly from the Lord. "THE JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH!" Nehemiah 8:10

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Galatians 5:22-23

Sunday, June 8, 2008

When We Left Earth

As I write this blog I am watching an incredible television show. "When We Left Earth" is a special presentation on The Discovery Channel. I was a "space kid." When John Glen orbited the earth in 1962 I was in the 2nd grade. I remember that we all were gathered in a big room and our teachers rolled a black and white media/library television where we watched with our eyes wide open! From that day on, I was hooked! I read anything, watched anything and dreamed that someday I could be an astronaut! My projects at school revolved around the space race. I still have a scrap book and newspapers from those days. I will never forget that Sunday evening when we all stayed up late to see man land on the moon.

It sounds kind of funny to me now, but I honestly thought that I was going into space. I must admit that the first time I few in an airplane I imagined what it must have been like to actually go into space. I know -- it's silly! It is one of those dreams that I will never experience. I really believe that if NASA called me tonight and said -- "Do you want a free ride on the Space Shuttle?" -- I would have to go! Debbie would kill me :) but I would really want to go. She calls it my "wonderlust." A sense of adventure!

I realize that this blog has absolutely nothing to do with my walk with God but I had to write about this. It was such a huge part of my life and imagination!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Time with God

Since we have moved away from our kids and grandkids there are times when I actually ache inside because I miss them and want to talk to them. I know that I can pick up the phone and call any of them -- we even bought a cell phone for the grandkids so that we can call them or they can call us anytime they want to call. Sometimes talking on the phone is not enough. I want to actually see them and touch them. Those periods of time do not even have to be very lengthy!

I cannot physically touch my heavenly Father, but there are times when I feel His presence so close that I could reach out and touch Him. Other times He seems far away. It is during the far away times in my life when I have experienced the strongest desire to talk to Him and hear from Him. To hear His voice through scripture and prayer is one of the greatest blessings and comforts of my life. I told Debbie just this afternoon that had it not been for prayer I don't know where I would be right now. It is a wonderful connection with God.

You might be surprised to hear that a pastor might feel far away from the Lord, but it happens. Sometimes I call it being in the "wilderness." Other times I call it "the funk." To be there is never a place I want to be and I will admit that the times I have been there are because I have been disobedient or distant from the Lord through busy-ness! Sometimes I just "find" myself there. There have been times when the Lord has allowed me to stay there so I can learn a lesson. When I do, I call out to Him in prayer -- spend time in fellowship with Him and He answers me and loves me back. Grace, Grace, Grace! Amazing Grace!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Sharpening the Axe

"If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first hour sharpening the axe."
Abraham Lincoln
Honest Abe has a point here. Preparation and tools are "everything" when it comes to the task at hand. Today I did a couple of things for my mother-in-law. These jobs were simple tasks but the great thing about doing them for her was that she had everything laid out and ready to go. She had "sharpened her axe" so to speak! I simply had to show up and do the work.
Jesus did not just show up. His coming was foretold throughout the Old Testament. God went to great lengths to prepare for his coming. When Jesus came it was on God's time schedule and plan. God had sharpened the axe for hundreds of years before.
God has told us through His Word that Jesus is coming again. He is sharpening the ax! He is preparing for His arrival through the eastern sky. Are you ready? He is coming!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Mission Trip to India -- 2007

Tomato Sandwiches

I am coming to the place in my life when I am realizing just how much God has really blessed me! I have always known it but lately I have started to really count my blessings.

The other day Debbie and I were discussing my life story and some of the things God has done. I told Debbie that God has given me almost everything I have ever dreamed about:

  • The best wife in the world
  • Awesome kids - Amy and Clay and their families are just the best.
  • A house at the beach
  • A house at the lake -- pontoon boat and 2 waverunners.
  • A house in Georgia with a pool, jacuzzi and outdoor kitchen.
  • I have traveled the world -- Mexico, Norway, India, Peru, and Hawaii.
  • A college/seminary education
  • Great years on staff in churches in Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia and Lousiana.
  • A love for tomato sandwiches.

The point is: God is showing me that he has blessed me in the big things but he cares enough to bless me in the little things like loving tomato sandwiches. I suppose it would take me about 5 minutes to make one of my favorite meals -- tomatoes sliced thick on fresh white bread (so fresh it's gooey), lots of mayo with just a touch of pepper and salt. Top that off with a bag of Fritoes and a tall glass of very sweet tea. I would rather have that meal than a steak!

Let me encourage you to look for the "tomato sandwiches" in your life. So many times we do not notice the very best blessings.

We sold the beach house. The house in Georgia is for sale. The lake house is for sale along with the pontoon boat. These things will pass away, but, I will always love tomato sandwiches.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Bird Cage

I am so sorry that I have not posted in the last few days! I will try to do better in the future. Thanks for checking in each day.

Also, don't forget to go to Debbie's blog. Check to the right for the link. She is an awesome writer and has some great insights into scripture!

Recently, driving down May's Bend Drive in Pell City near our lake house. I noticed the most peculiar thing. There was a bird cage hanging on the porch with a couple of birds inside. I started to think about it and I thought to myself, "how cruel." You see, birds are made to fly. It is what they do. Yet those poor birds were in a cage. They were outside...they could see the sky....they could see the potential heights where they could soar above the house, above the cage, high above the trees, yet they were in a cage.

God never designed a bird to be in a cage. God never designed us to be in bondage. As a matter of fact He sent Jesus to set us free, yet so many Christians miss the opportunity to soar, to really experience life, because they are so bound up -- caged by the schemes of the devil. God wants us to be free, but there we sit in our cages.

Remember...John 8:36 says, "Therefore if the Son (Jesus) makes you free, you shall be free indeed." (NKJV)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Praying the Midnight Oil

My mother has always had some unusual sayings. I guess you could call them "Hazelisms." One that I remember was "well son , I guess you are going to have to burn the midnight oil." Usually she would say something like that to me when I had a test the next day. She meant that I had to stay up late until I got finished.

Lately, the Lord has been waking me in the middle of the night. I have been taking advantage of those times by "praying the midnight oil." You might say that the Lord is "keeping me at the foot of the cross." It is amazing what God brings to mind at 3:30 a.m. Some of my church family comes to mind and I pray for them. Sometimes my house in Georgia comes to mind and I ask God to PLEASE SELL IT! Sometimes my family comes to mind and I pray for their happiness and protection. Sometimes my blessings come to mind and I just lay there and quietly praise the Lord for His faithfulness. Sometimes I rehearse my sermon for the following Sunday as I pray through it. Sometimes I picture the church full of people and pray down each pew. Sometimes I picture the pews empty and pray that God will fill them.

It's amazing what God brings to mind at 3:30 a.m!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Great Day!

Today we celebrated 175 years as a church -- First Baptist Church of Sylacauga, Alabama. Our church started in 1833 in a small frame building.

As Linda Dickson, our History Committee chairperson read the accomplishments of the church through the years, she recounted some of the accomplishments of the former pastors. One president, Dr. Wm. K. Weaver went on to become the president of Mobile College (The University of Mobile.) Dr. A. H. Reid was the president of Howard College (Samford University) where Reid Chapel at the univeristy named for him. I doubt if I will ever be a university president. I am not sure if I will ever be published. I am sure of this...God will do with me what He will. My greatest accomplishment is giving my life to Jesus!

We had a great day of celebration -- TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Car Game

I have been feeling very nostagic for some reason. If you have been reading my blog you know that already. Peanuts in a Coke -- c'mon! I can't help it I just love going back in time and remembering the good times.

I grew up out in the country between Piedmont and Gadsden, Alabama. Our driveway was a deadend onto busy highway 278. One of my favorite things to do was to sit on the front porch with my sister, Pat, and play the car game. Here is how it would go. We would sit on the steps or on the "glider" and watch for cars to pass. When we decided to play the game one of us would say, "The next car is mine." We would then watch to see what kind of car fate would give us. Sometimes an old clunker would pass by. If fate gave me the clunker, my sister would laugh. If she got the clunker, I would laugh! The fun thing about the game is that we could not see what was coming. It was a surprise!

Life is like the car game. We simply do not know what is coming next. Sometimes life brings us "clunkers." Other times in our lives we are blessed beyond our wildest imagination. The good news is.....God knows what is coming next. Isn't is great that we can TRUST him with the outcome. In His Word he admonishes us to "walk by faith and not by sight." When I preach/teach this scripture, I always share an incredible truth that God revealed to me one day. Here it is: God's plans for your life are not based on what YOU can see -- His plans for you life are based on what HE already knows!

Jeremiah 29:10-11 says, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." (NKJV)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Simple Pleasures

The older I get the more I am enjoying the simple pleasures of this life. Some to the things that I enjoy might surprise you.

The other day I was heading to the hospital in Alex City, Alabama. The drive is a beautiful one and it was a beautiful day. For some reason it reminded me of when I used to ride my bike for over a mile to Knighten's Crossroads in the summer. I could ride my bike to Jordan's Store and spend 15 cents and get a snack. Now here is where you might be surprised. The snack was a Coke in a bottle and a pack of peanuts. I would open the Coke on that red box bottle opener and yes...I would pour the peanuts into the Coke bottle with the Coke. It was fizz brown bubbles. I would hold it up to my mouth and taste the salt around the top of the glass bottle. For all of you young folks, the Coke bottles were actually made of glass.

I would drink the peanuts into my mouth and munch away! It was great. When I finished this gourmet snack I would turn the bottle upside down and see where the Coca Cola was bottled. It was a real treat if it came from far away. Simple pleasures!

Well you know what I had to do on the way to the hospital. I stopped at the next store and popped open a Coke and put in the peanuts! I was transported back in time. Simple pleasures!

Our walk with God is full of simple pleasures. God wants us to slow down and enjoy HIM! We are so busy with life that if we are not careful we will miss some wonderful blessings.

Take some time today to just enjoy loving our Lord and let Him love on YOU! I promise that He has time for you!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Problem.....

I am finding a problem in the church today. I am not only speaking of the church I pastor, but the church worldwide. We have become the church that John wrote about in Revelation 2: the church at Ephesus. John records the words of Jesus: "I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars; and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name's sake and have not become weary. Nevertheless I have this againse you, that you have left your first love." (Revelation 2:2-4 -- NKJV)

The problem is -- we simply do not love Jesus as we should. We love our church buildings, we love our youth, we love our senior adults, we love our programs but honestly -- DO WE LOVE JESUS MORE THAN THESE?

I believe it is time for a old fashioned love story to unfold in the church. It is time for our hearts to race and our palms to sweat because we are so in love with Jesus. (Debbie still makes my heart race!) We should be so excited as we gather together as blood bought children of God, that our gathering is contagious to the world outside the walls of the church.

The great evangelist Vance Havner once said: "We have left our love for Christ, and when love for Christ dies, love for each other, for the Bible, for souls, dies."

Please join me in praying for the church. Let's pray that we all fall madly in love with Jesus Christ all over again. Let's pray for a giddiness, an innocence, a hunger and thirst for Jesus Christ!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Shoveling in the Pits

When I was a junior in high school I took a summer job working with a construction company. The company I worked for was the contractor of choice for Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company in Gadsden, Alabama. My father worked there for 32 years. I will never forget my first day on the job in and around that tire plant. My foreman took me out behind the plant and showed me two giant concrete pits. He gave me a shovel and said, “Clean these out.” It was the sewerage treatment plant. I wanted to turn around and run as fast as I could toward the gates, but I knew that I had to keep this job if I was going to get a better car. I shoveled until I thought my arms would fall off. Because of the nature of the work, every bone in my body ached. Shoveling over and over and over again was sheer drudgery. The stench was horrible. When it came time to go home I was worn out. I could barely move. I worked myself into exhaustion.

Fast forward a few years! After I became a Christian I wanted so much to please God. I worked and worked and I just became tired. Since I went into the ministry and particularly after I became a pastor I have found myself physically exhausted. However, since I have allowed Jesus to become my life there is a huge difference in my life. I have a supernatural energy that comes from my relationship with my heavenly Father through Jesus, His Son. There is purpose to what I do because it is Him doing it through me. I am humbled that my Lord wants to come live inside me.

Jesus wants to come live inside you, too. He does not want to just dwell there. He is a God of action. He wants to live through you and give your life purpose and hope. If you are tired of the “sheer drudgery” of living why not ask Jesus to come live through you right now?

If you are interested in getting out of that pit and inviting Jesus to become your life, do not hesitate to leave a comment with your contact information.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

God loves me!

I want to make sure that everyone knows THAT I KNOW THAT GOD LOVES ME. After my friend and brother in Christ, Kevin Maples, left a comment on my blog I decided to go back and read it again!

After reading the blog again I realized that I was vague about my strong feelings.

God has been so faithful to me through 24 years of ministry. He has been faithful! HE LOVES ME!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Joy that Radiates the Love of God

The other day I ran across a great quote from Samuel Chadwick. I want to share it with you on The Branch!

Spirit filled souls are ablaze for God. They love with a love that glows. They serve with a faith that kindles. They serve with a devotion that consumes. They hate sin with fierceness that burns. They rejoice with a joy that radiates. Love is perfected in the fire of God.

~Samuel Chadwick~
I have been thinking about the love of God alot lately. We moved to First Baptist Church Sylacauga in September, 2007. When we came this direction we knew that we would need to buy a house here in Sylacauga. We lived in our lake house for a while but it was just too far away to accomodate the busy lifestyle of the pastorate. Therefore, we stepped out on faith and with the help of Alabama Trust Bank, and bought the house in which we are now living. Because our house in Georgia is still for sale (10 months now) we have been under the strain of paying for a house in which we do not live -- the upkeep of the property and recently our insurance was canceled because the house is sitting empty. The situation with the house and some other things we have been going through are difficult situations.
The devil loves difficult situations. He loves to get into our thinking and change the way we think. I have the thought that God does not love me on more than one occasion! Surely if God loves me He will sell the house! Yet, the house has not sold. Satan would have me believe that God would display his love for us by selling the house. Not so. My passion for the call to the ministry is not based on houses and lands. My call is forever.
I am praying for a life described in the Chadwick quote. Ablaze, glowing, showing the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE of God -- to hate sin with a fierceness -- to have a joy that radiates with an understanding that going through trials will only give God an opportunity to 'SHINE.'

The Wall

This blog is not a spiritual one -- just a great is a true story from my life.

The Wall

When I was growing up I attended a small country school called Roy Webb School; grades one through nine. I can remember playing in the cotton fields that were next to the school. As a matter of fact we actually had “cotton picking days” when school would let out so the kids could pick cotton on their family farms. My uncle Willie Johnson owned the property next to the school so I picked cotton in that field on more than one occasion. I can remember dragging the bag on the ground through the rows of cotton trying desperately to get to the shade tree at the end of the row. I can’t remember how much money I earned, I just remember that it was not much. After all, I was only in the 2nd or 3rd grade.

The cotton fields completely surrounded the school grounds so I always found myself wandering down to the field during recess or P.E. A couple of buddies and I experimented with “rabbit tobacco,” built forts from the pine straw, and slid down the red clay bank. What memories?!!

One of my strongest memories from that time in my life was “the wall.” There was a walkway leading from the building where our classrooms were located. One of the true tests of “manhood” was if you could stand on the wall and jump off. I remember the first time someone dared me to jump. I walked over to the wall and stood there. I held my breath………and then I “chickened out.” Some of the boys made fun of me for being afraid, some of the girls just giggled! The next time someone dared me I went through the same routine but this time – I DID IT! I jumped. It was great! The feeling was great! Everyone cheered and I felt like such a man.

About 30 years later, I visited the school. The fields were still there. Everything looked the same. Well, not everything. I went down the hall remembering the smells, looking into the rooms and them I remembered the wall. I stepped out the door to the walkway and went looking for “THE WALL.” As I walked down the steps the memories rushed back to me. There is a distinctive feeling that comes when I think about it right now.

I found “the wall.” It was about three feet tall! I went to the wall, took one step and the rest is history. I did not get the same exhilarating feeling but the memories were great…memories of the day when I conquered – THE WALL!

Monday, May 12, 2008

My Reminder Article

Sharon told me that there was not room for my article in our church newsletter because there are so many senior portraits. I am posting it here for those from FBC-Sylacauga who reads my blog --

Dear Church Family,

I saw something beautiful last night in the church service. At the end of the service, God impressed on me to call forward a young man who has been visiting our church. He has been having some health problems. It was such a beautiful sight to see the “body of Christ” lavish their prayers and love on this young man. Most people do not even know him but were willing to come to the altar and pray for him! Thanks to the body for being the body. When one member of the body of Christ hurts we all suffer. I am sure that this young man will never forget the night at First Baptist when the saints of God went to the throne of God on his behalf. God is so good!

A few important reminders –

  • Pastor’s Book Club – check the web site or call the office for details.
  • 175th Anniversary – May 25th – a great day of celebration
  • Sunday’s In the Park – an awesome time of fellowship and OUTREACH to the community. One Sunday night per month during the summer.

I will be starting to preach through the book on Nehemiah on Sunday mornings. I hope you will join us!

Thanks for all of the food, cards, phone cards and visits as I have recovered from my surgery. Each expression of love has brightened my day in some way!

Did you know… can view our services on the church web site?

I am in much prayer and study at this point of my ministry with you. I believe that we are at a crossroads – please be in prayer and seek God with me. The most important thing that can happen here is for us to be the instrument of God’s will!

Galatians 2:20,

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Tribute to Hazel

Everytime I tried to call my mother today the phone was busy. When I finally got in touch with her tonight she informed me that she had been very busy today. She said that she and the Senior Choir sung in the service today at her church -- First Baptist Church of Piedmont, Alabama. Afterwards she went to my sister, Charlotte's house for lunch where she spent the afternoon. I started trying to call late in the afternoon and the phone line was busy everytime. When I talked to her tonight she said that my brother and sisters were checking in for Mother's Day. She was full of news. She's always full of news.

Recently, when I was visiting her I asked her why she stayed so busy. I wanted to encourage her to slow down some. She will be 91 in June. I will always remember what she said. "Well son, I just keep going because if I stop, I will get there." I think I know what she meant -- don't give up! Don't stop. I told her that she is like the Energizer Bunny -- she just keeps going and going!

A tribute....
I thought she was weak, she was really strong.
I thought she was old fashioned she was really wise.
I thought she was pretty, she thought she was plain.

My mother is the best cook, the strongest willed, best looking 91 year old woman I know. She loves the Lord, loves to read, loves to paint, loves to sew, loves to work with her hands, loves to garden, loves her church, loves her kids, and loves the outdoors!
She taught me how to make banana sandwiches, tomato gravy, biscuits, dressing, fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, salmon patties.

She was not afraid to try to do anything. She was not always about women's work -- I never knew if a wall would be moved or if one would be added. She protected me and prayed for me when a tornado went over our house. She built a BBQ Pit out of salvaged bricks. She cared for me and her mother in law. She birthed 5 kids. She raised 5 and buried one. I don't think she ever got over it. I know she didn't. She never talked about it.

She is truly one of the most unique people I have ever met. She is not the perfect mother but she is my mother and I love her!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Playing Tarzan

When I was a kid I loved Saturday mornings. I would get up early to watch cartoons. After Mighty Mouse and some other cartoons, 3 of my favorite shows came on: Tarzan, Roy Rodgers and Skye King.

Many times after the shows went off I would go out to play and re-enact the plot of my favorite show for the day. My sister, Pat, who is a little older than me would join in on the fun. I will never forget the time when we were playing Tarzan.

My grandmother lived in a small house in front of our house. She had a huge tree in her yard. My sister played the part of Jane, the huge oak tree played the part of Tarzan and of course because I was the little brother -- I always had to play the part of "boy." I only had two choices: Boy or Cheetah. (the chimp) My sister always insisted that those were the only two parts that fit for me.

One day really stands out in my memory. Pat ran up to Tarzan (the tree) and wrapped her arms around as far as she could and said, "Oh Tarzan -- thank you for saving me." At this point I noticed something on the tree. It seems that a green snake had slithered up the tree and was just kind of hanging out. I could have stopped her but I didn't. She meant to kiss Tarzan but instead she kissed the snake! It was not what she expected. She screamed and ran home. I remember laughing all the way back to the house! I am laughing right now! That was sweet revenge for not letting me play the part of Tarzan.

You know it's kind of like that in the Christian life. We go about our lives doing what we always do and.....BOOM.....enter the green snake of surprise. We get something that we are not expecting. Life can really through us some curve balls.

How does God want us to react? Does he want us to run screaming? Not really. He knows where the snakes are. He is not surprised at anything that comes our way. We can trust him.

The snake was harmless. He was probably more scared than my sister. Similarly the things in our lives that we allow to paralize us in fear are really harmless when we put our faith and trust in the Lord Jesus. Do you remember that shield of faith in Ephesians 6?

My encouragement to myself and to you today is -- HOLD FORTH THE SHIELD OF FAITH -- we may have to kiss some snakes today!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Locking our Shields of Faith!

This afternoon when I walked out of the doctor's office I was smiling. My doctor said that I should take it easy for another week and then everything should be great. I suspected that was what he was going to say because I have felt so much better over the past couple of days. Praise the Lord. My situation is so minor compared to what some people are going through right now, but I am still so thankful that God has answered prayer concerning my health.

Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you were going through some trial or hard time and all of the sudden it seems like the burden is lifted for a time? I have experienced this alot lately. It is as if a switch has been flipped and the oppression if lifted with the switch. I have come to believe that during those times that a prayer warrior somewhere is praying! I call this "locking shields."

I am teaching a Bible study on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. at First Baptist of Sylacauga. The study is from Ephesians 6:10-18 -- "The Armor of God." Paul teaches concerning spiritual warfare in the most practical, visual way. He uses the armor of the Roman soldier to illustrate our defense and battle strategy in this spiritual war called the Christian life.

The Roman soldier's shield was designed to lock together with his comrad in arms. The point is: two is better than one -- there is strength in numbers. My point is: someone locked into my shield in prayer! If that person is reading this blog -- THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Feeling Better....Finally!

This morning when I woke up I experienced something very interesting...I woke up for the first time in over a year without pain.

I have been dealing with this pain problem for one year. The strange thing about it is that I had grown to expect it. I would wake up and say "yep -- there it is." It had become such a part of my life that I was sort of used to it. It was there, but I had just conditioned myself to go on -- even if it was hurting.

I have come to realize that the strongholds of Satan are much the same way. Here is how he (Satan) works in our lives. He gradually comes to us with some sort of temptation. We fall for his lies and they become a part of our daily living. (A stronghold) The more we endure them, the more conditioned we become to their presence in our lives. We simply get used to them. As a result of this deception we grow cold in our passion for walking with Jesus and doing ministry. We simply (little by little) quench the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives!

Recently I had surgery to correct my "pain problem." For almost two weeks now I have been in recovery. There have been many days when I hurt more than I did before the surgery. However, this morning I started to realize tha the surgery worked! I noticed the difference in my attitude, energy level and general health. As I walked out of my office this afternoon I was humming a happy tune. My secretary said, "it sure is good to hear you humming a tune again." Pain free is wonderful!

Now when I realize that Jesus has corrected my sin problem and all I really need to do is walk accordingly -- it affects my attitude, energy level and my general health; both physical and especially spiritually! Romans 6 makes something very clear -- sin no longer has dominion (strong hold power) over me! FREEDOM!!!

Pastor Tim Childers

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Journals -- a real journey!

I started journaling my quiet times/prayer times/personal Bible study times with God several years ago. I am not very disciplined about keeping them going for great lengths of time, but I do have journals that go back to 1993.

As you know, I am recovering from this surgery and have had quite a few hours of down time. I decided that I would take the time to start at the beginning of the journals and read through every day that I have recorded. I have been doing some real soul searching lately and I wanted to take a look back at my ministry and see some things that God has taught me through the years. The result of this reading is a list of several things that God has shown me. I am calling the list -- "Things I Know." I am not going to publish the list because some of the things on the list are very personal and just between God and me.

The point of this entry is simply to encourage all of you who read this jorunal to start keeping a journal. It will amaze you as you read your prayer requests, Bible study notes and the things that God has taught you. If one good thing has come out of this surgery it was the down time to just lay back and read in the journals. I wish there was a way to publish these blogs in a keepable format. The journals I read were all hand written. Writing a blog goes much quicker.

By the way -- many have wanting to know how I am doing. I am on target for recovery. The nurse told me today that everything should be back to normal within 10 days. I am not a good patient -- I am not patient at all! Thanks for all of your prayers, calls and emails. They have been very encouraging.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Feeling Better!

Today has been a good day. I am feeling much better. I am still very sore and it is hard to get comfortable but I can feel the improvement! Thanks for your prayers.

Friday, April 25, 2008


Can you say ouch?!! Surgery is "behind" me. I am doing OK, just in some pain!

Thank God for a successful surgery an a whole bunch of great friends who have been faithful to pray, email, and call!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Surgery in the Morning

I might be away from my blog for a couple of days due to my surgery in the morning. Thanks for your prayers.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Psalm 17:4-5

I'm not trying to get my way
in the world's way.
I'm trying to get your way,
your Word's way.
I'm staying on your trail;
I'm putting one foot
In front of the other.
I'm not giving up.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Let's Go Fishing!

Jesus told Peter that he would become a “fisher of men.” I believe that God is calling us to that same task: to be “fishers of people.” A fisherman never expects to catch anything if there is no bait on his hook! This summer we are going to bait the hook! I want to tell you about 6 fishing expeditions in Sylacauga!

Summer Book Club

There is an incredible culture or readers out there. I am one of them. It might surprise you as to what kinds of books I like to read, but, I love to read. Therefore, I am starting a Summer Book Club. There will be a book of the month for June, July and August. After reading each book, those who join the Summer Book Club will meet at Raspberry’s Bakery for a time of guided questions and discussion of each book. Each book lends itself to a natural flow into a gospel presentation so, at each meeting I will share the gospel and give those attending an opportunity to accept Jesus as their Savior. I hope you will get excited about these opportunities and tell your friends and family. I have given you a list of the books and discussion dates below. They will be available for purchase in the Bright-Parrish Library very soon or you may purchase them at most any bookstore or online. Begin praying about who you can invite. You might even want to purchase the book for them! All discussion groups will be held at Raspberry’s Bakery at 7:00 p.m. The bakery will be open for dessert and coffee.

June 2nd – Dinner With a Perfect Stranger by David Gregory
July 7th – The Shack by William P. Young
August 18th – Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

Sunday Evenings at Central Park (Blue Bell)

Another great opportunity for “fishing” will be during this summer at the park. We are taking one Sunday evening each month and moving our services to the new park across from Blue Bell Ice Cream. (Service Times are 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.) The purpose of these services is two fold:
Fellowship – a time when our church family can get together and just spend some quality time together in a very informal environment. We will play some games and of course – EAT!! We will have 3 huge INFLATABLES for the kids at all three events!
Fishing – The will be an evangelistic message given at each service so invite your friends and neighbors who do not know Jesus! Go ahead and make yourself a list of those people you would like to invite. The church will provide you with an invitation you can mail to your friends. Simply write a personal note, address it and drop it by the office. Make a note of these dates and plan to be there:
· June 15th – All of the children’s families from VBS will be our special guests. VBS kids will be there to provide some great music. There could be some other special surprises so don’t miss it.
· July 27th – A patriotic theme. We know that July 4th is past, but wear your red, white and blue and let’s celebrate our freedom as a country.
· August 17th – Can you say RIBS??? Come feast on some good BBQ Ribs from Whiskers BBQ. Oh yes, and don’t forget the great time of worship and preaching!

Jesus said to “GO” into the world. We must take HIS lead and GO into Sylacauga! LET’S GO FISHING!!