Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Journals -- a real journey!

I started journaling my quiet times/prayer times/personal Bible study times with God several years ago. I am not very disciplined about keeping them going for great lengths of time, but I do have journals that go back to 1993.

As you know, I am recovering from this surgery and have had quite a few hours of down time. I decided that I would take the time to start at the beginning of the journals and read through every day that I have recorded. I have been doing some real soul searching lately and I wanted to take a look back at my ministry and see some things that God has taught me through the years. The result of this reading is a list of several things that God has shown me. I am calling the list -- "Things I Know." I am not going to publish the list because some of the things on the list are very personal and just between God and me.

The point of this entry is simply to encourage all of you who read this jorunal to start keeping a journal. It will amaze you as you read your prayer requests, Bible study notes and the things that God has taught you. If one good thing has come out of this surgery it was the down time to just lay back and read in the journals. I wish there was a way to publish these blogs in a keepable format. The journals I read were all hand written. Writing a blog goes much quicker.

By the way -- many have wanting to know how I am doing. I am on target for recovery. The nurse told me today that everything should be back to normal within 10 days. I am not a good patient -- I am not patient at all! Thanks for all of your prayers, calls and emails. They have been very encouraging.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Feeling Better!

Today has been a good day. I am feeling much better. I am still very sore and it is hard to get comfortable but I can feel the improvement! Thanks for your prayers.

Friday, April 25, 2008


Can you say ouch?!! Surgery is "behind" me. I am doing OK, just in some pain!

Thank God for a successful surgery an a whole bunch of great friends who have been faithful to pray, email, and call!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Surgery in the Morning

I might be away from my blog for a couple of days due to my surgery in the morning. Thanks for your prayers.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Psalm 17:4-5

I'm not trying to get my way
in the world's way.
I'm trying to get your way,
your Word's way.
I'm staying on your trail;
I'm putting one foot
In front of the other.
I'm not giving up.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Let's Go Fishing!

Jesus told Peter that he would become a “fisher of men.” I believe that God is calling us to that same task: to be “fishers of people.” A fisherman never expects to catch anything if there is no bait on his hook! This summer we are going to bait the hook! I want to tell you about 6 fishing expeditions in Sylacauga!

Summer Book Club

There is an incredible culture or readers out there. I am one of them. It might surprise you as to what kinds of books I like to read, but, I love to read. Therefore, I am starting a Summer Book Club. There will be a book of the month for June, July and August. After reading each book, those who join the Summer Book Club will meet at Raspberry’s Bakery for a time of guided questions and discussion of each book. Each book lends itself to a natural flow into a gospel presentation so, at each meeting I will share the gospel and give those attending an opportunity to accept Jesus as their Savior. I hope you will get excited about these opportunities and tell your friends and family. I have given you a list of the books and discussion dates below. They will be available for purchase in the Bright-Parrish Library very soon or you may purchase them at most any bookstore or online. Begin praying about who you can invite. You might even want to purchase the book for them! All discussion groups will be held at Raspberry’s Bakery at 7:00 p.m. The bakery will be open for dessert and coffee.

June 2nd – Dinner With a Perfect Stranger by David Gregory
July 7th – The Shack by William P. Young
August 18th – Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

Sunday Evenings at Central Park (Blue Bell)

Another great opportunity for “fishing” will be during this summer at the park. We are taking one Sunday evening each month and moving our services to the new park across from Blue Bell Ice Cream. (Service Times are 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.) The purpose of these services is two fold:
Fellowship – a time when our church family can get together and just spend some quality time together in a very informal environment. We will play some games and of course – EAT!! We will have 3 huge INFLATABLES for the kids at all three events!
Fishing – The will be an evangelistic message given at each service so invite your friends and neighbors who do not know Jesus! Go ahead and make yourself a list of those people you would like to invite. The church will provide you with an invitation you can mail to your friends. Simply write a personal note, address it and drop it by the office. Make a note of these dates and plan to be there:
· June 15th – All of the children’s families from VBS will be our special guests. VBS kids will be there to provide some great music. There could be some other special surprises so don’t miss it.
· July 27th – A patriotic theme. We know that July 4th is past, but wear your red, white and blue and let’s celebrate our freedom as a country.
· August 17th – Can you say RIBS??? Come feast on some good BBQ Ribs from Whiskers BBQ. Oh yes, and don’t forget the great time of worship and preaching!

Jesus said to “GO” into the world. We must take HIS lead and GO into Sylacauga! LET’S GO FISHING!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Not much to say....

Sorry folks.....I don't have much to say tonight. I just wanted to post so that you would know that you need to keep coming back. I will be having surgery on Friday -- nothing really that serious -- please keep me in your prayers. Also, please continue to pray that our house in GA will sell soon!

Sunday, April 20, 2008


God goes to alot of trouble to bless me. His blessings are overwhelming sometimes! Today, at the end of this day I am just amazed at how many blessings God has given to me today. There is a great old hymn called, "Count Your Blessings." There is a line in the hymn that says "name them one by one." You know...I don't do that enough. I don't count my blessings enough. Well this evening I want to count some of them.
1. Someone surprised me at church with a still warm banana pudding!
2. Someone left a gift certificate on my desk for Bluebell ice cream.
3. Someone wrote me an awesome encouragement card. It was a keeper.
4. I preached 3 times today.
5. I had dinner with friends after church tonight.
6. I could go on and on...these are just a few of the blessings. There are so man more!

These may seem like "little" things to you, but they are huge to me! God reminded me tonight that He is showing His love to me in a variety of ways. He is so good to me! How about you...have you stopped and counted your blessings lately! Count them one by one.....then will surprise you what the Lord has done!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday Night!

It's Saturday evening at the Childers home. I am sitting here in my chair wondering what will happen at church tommorrow. I wonder if anyone will come to know Christ! I am preaching a message called, "The Feast of Jesus." This message is about knowing Jesus in a personal way. It is my prayer that somone who does not know Christ -- will know Christ before they leave the santuary!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Preaching Jesus!

"I have heard of ministers who can preach a sermon without mentioning the name of Jesus from beginning to end. If you ever hear such a sermon as that, mind that you never hear another from that man ... Paul's harp only had one string, but he brought so much music out if is as never came from any other. He found such infinite variety in Christ that he never exhausted his theme. With him it was Christ first, Christ last, Christ midst, Christ everywhere. He could never have his pen in his hand without writing something in praise of his glorious Lord and Savior." - Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Satan is on the warpath. He is constantly trying to distract the world from the way, the truth, and the life! (John 14:6)

There are more than 30,000 people within 10 miles of the church I pastor. If current statistics hold true then about 11,000 of them do not know the Lord. I suspect that number could even go as high as 15,000!

Jesus said, "If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all peoples to myself." (John 12:32) Specifically, Jesus is talking about the Cross -- but, if we also lift HIM up in our churches, HE will do the same. He will draw people to HIMSELF! Preach Jesus! Amen!

I am going to preach Jesus -- it's time those thousands of people come to the way, the truth and the LIFE!!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Preaching the Word!

Wednesday evenings are really great in our church. We start the evening at 5:00 p.m. for supper at the church. After dinner we head into the sanctuary for a time of prayer and Bible study. Currently, I am teaching from Ephesians 6: Spiritual Warfare. Specifically, I am teaching about the Armor of God. Each week we look at a specific piece of the armor. Paul says that we should wear the armor so that when all is said and done -- we will be standing. We have this great treasure called the ARMOR OF GOD!

During the study I called for our folks to take their Bibles and turn to 2 Timothy 4:2. Paul is Timothy's mentor here and he is clear about many things, but in this case he leaves not room for error! PREACH THE WORD!

It struck me as I was teaching (actually, I got some pretty big goose bumps) that I am so blessed to be able to do this ALL THE TIME. Preaching is a major part of my life....the questions.....the research.....the prayer! All of this is part of doing what I love to do -- PREACH!

My desire as a pastor is to be faithful to Paul's admonition -- to preach the Word. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME! It is important that I share what God wants our people to hear! As Paul said to Timothy -- "Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching."

"For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12 (NKJV)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Vision is Coming!

This coming Sunday I am preaching a sermon called “Fresh Start: Getting Life Right!” This message will be one of the most important sermons I will ever preach at First Baptist Church. Because of the importance of this message I am asking that you lift me up in prayer more than ever before. This message will call for total commitment to Christ. (Matthew 6:33) Pray for those who should hear this message and for me the messenger!

A Vision is Coming…A Vision is Coming!

Can you believe it – I have been here for almost 8 months! Time is flying! It seems like only yesterday that I was preaching my trial sermon called, “Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing.” As we move ahead together I want you to know that God is speaking and I am listening!

At this time I am listening to the Lord as I seek Him for HIS VISION for our church. The VISION is simply that plan that God has for the future! I recently read a great book by George Barna. Here is a portion of that article:

Vision is the ability to understand the history, the present condition, and the potential of the church, and to conceive a plan for action that will maximize the ministry potential. More often than not, vision is a result of having spent much time absorbing the facts about the community, knowing the resources upon which the church can call (people, funding, facilities, equipment, etc.), and devising sound but creative strategies for moving forward. Vision always entails progress: it is never satisfied with the status quo. (How to Find Your Church – p. 104 – George Barna)

God did not call me to this church to be “satisfied.” You should not want me to be satisfied – you should not be satisfied. As long as there is one lost person…..as long as there is one hurting person…..as long as there is one person struggling to live.....WE SHOULD NOT BE SATISFIED!!

So far I have met with the Mayor Sam Wright and Calvin Miller of the Talladega Economic Development Authority. I currently have a meeting with the Chamber of Commerce to discuss the impact of their plans for the city of Sylacauga. I am very excited about the possibilities – about the VISION that God is giving me. PLEASE GET EXCITED WITH ME! I want you to know that this entire process is being covered in prayer! Mark your calendar for September 14th and 15th – VISION SUNDAY!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Testimony!

NOTE: Today in my office at First Baptist Church of Sylacauga, I picked up a copy of the book that God used to change my life. I remember saying that I would spend the rest of my life telling others the TRUTH! This testimony is long, but worth reading because I would not be here today without the life changing truth it contains! Prayerfully! TC

I was born Timothy Wayne Childers on December 18, 1954 at Baptist Memorial Hospital in Gadsden, Alabama. I was born again on August 26, 1982 in Leeds, Alabama. I will never forget the night I sat across the dining room table from my pastor, Alk Kavli. I bowed my head, prayed and accepted Jesus as my Savior. It was 17 years after Jesus accepted me that I learned what it meant to be accepted by my heavenly Father....to experience His life flowing with power through me. I had spent 99.9% of my Christian life working FOR God. In 1985 I surrendered to the ministry, moved my family to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Since that time I have served Palestine Baptist Church in Bogaloosa, Lousianna...Lakeside Baptist Church in Metarie, Lousianna...Emmanuel Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa, Alabama...First Baptist Church in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee...College Heights Baptist Church in Gadsden, Alabama and presently I am the Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church of Mableton, Georgia. In 1999 God showed me the truth. I learned what it meant for God to work THROUGH me. The following is my journal entry for November 3, 1999.
"This journal is full of entries where I have made commitments to start fresh. As a matter of fact just about a week ago I made the entry just before this one. As usual something filled the space and I did not keep my commitment to come in early and have my quiet time, etc.
I have been growing increasingly concerned about myself. Over and over I have felt like I was turning into my Daddy. (Note: My father committed suicide in 1991.) I have acted like him lately. I have experienced some of the things he experienced. I have felt as if I was headed for some kind of show down. Debbie even confronted me the other night with the reality that I have every symptom of someone who is clinically depressed. I did no want to hear that but the symptoms do no lie. The past few weeks have been some of the most miserable of my lifetime. I have been on edge, to the point of tears, weeping openly for hours, stressed out over things at church - even though if things got any better there I do not know what I would do - I even go so low that a couple of weeks ago (after a fight with Debbie and a few days of low living before hand) that I prayed that God would take me out of this world. I had been having thoughts of just driving away and never looking back. It is not that I do not love my family, it is just that at that time I was under the delusion from the devil that they would be better off without me. We were leading a conference in Prattville that weekend and my topic was - "How to Get Over Life in the Pits.? How appropriate that God would have me lead a conference about being in the pits. I certainly could give them first hand information about what it felt like to be there. I thought as I got up to lead the conference that I would die. As I began to lead the conference, something began to happen. God began to speak to me. I was leading the conference for me. The conference was based on Psalm 40:2 where David said that the Lord has lifted him from the miry clay, set his feet upon a rock and established his steps. Well the Lord did that for me and He pulled me up?but I knew that there had to be more to this. We returned home on Saturday and I began to try to get to the place where God would speak to me about what to preach on the next day. Nothing came. I am not surprised given my state of mind. The next morning I arrived at church at my usual Sunday morning time around 6:15 a.m. I sat in front of the computer and could barely pray. Nothing I looked at in the Word jumped off the page at me. Nothing was coming. I was supposed to preach about vision because we are in the midst of a stewardship campaign. I went through my files and decided to preach my sermon on commitment that I preached as a trial sermon at CHBC. It was decided. That is always such a relief. I could not get excited because it was not a fresh word from the Lord and I was feeling like I was slipping back into the miry clay again."
Pretty depressing, huh? Well, it was depressing then, but now when I look back on those days I can truly rejoice because of what God has done in my life. That night when it was so dark in my life something wonderful happened! I died to myself. I did not really know what had happened until I started reading Handbook to Happiness by Dr. Charles Solomon. I called my wife and said, "I am reading a new book and if it is true I will spend the rest of my life telling people about it.? It is true and I am happier and more fulfilled than I ever dreamed I could be.
I was the kind of pastor that wanted results. If I did not get the kind of results that I wanted, I blamed myself. I always assumed the answer was that God is not pleased with my preaching, leadership skills, or my abilities. My response was to make commitments to pray more, study more, visit more, plan more, and program more. I never kept those commitments because I too busy. The guilt was unbearable. I was burning the candle at both ends and I ran out of wax. Oh, I was getting results! Things could not have been any better in my ministry; but it was never enough for me. When I came to the end of myself and began to understand the truth of the crucified life - the resurrected life of Christ in me, I began to really "rest.? I am busier now than before, but full of passion for the ministry. The difference in me now unbelievable! I have learned what it means to live in Christ. I no longer feel guilty when throngs of people do not respond during our services. I have been set free from worry. My marriage is stronger. I have stronger relationships with my church family. I am more relaxed. I can have fun again! It is a great life?. HIS life!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Shameless Plug

I am such a blessed man. Easter Sunday was a great day! I had my family with me in worship! This is a shameless plug to show off how beautiful family is. Check out the look on Tucker's face. In the picture you will find, my mother in law on the right, Candi, my daughter in law is next to her with Clay our son behind her. The kids are my grandkids with my daughter Amy and son in law, Sam next to her! See how blessed I am!! Praise be to God!