Everytime I tried to call my mother today the phone was busy. When I finally got in touch with her tonight she informed me that she had been very busy today. She said that she and the Senior Choir sung in the service today at her church -- First Baptist Church of Piedmont, Alabama. Afterwards she went to my sister, Charlotte's house for lunch where she spent the afternoon. I started trying to call late in the afternoon and the phone line was busy everytime. When I talked to her tonight she said that my brother and sisters were checking in for Mother's Day. She was full of news. She's always full of news.
Recently, when I was visiting her I asked her why she stayed so busy. I wanted to encourage her to slow down some. She will be 91 in June. I will always remember what she said. "Well son, I just keep going because if I stop, I will get there." I think I know what she meant -- don't give up! Don't stop. I told her that she is like the Energizer Bunny -- she just keeps going and going!
A tribute....
I thought she was weak, she was really strong.
I thought she was old fashioned she was really wise.
I thought she was old fashioned she was really wise.
I thought she was pretty, she thought she was plain.
My mother is the best cook, the strongest willed, best looking 91 year old woman I know. She loves the Lord, loves to read, loves to paint, loves to sew, loves to work with her hands, loves to garden, loves her church, loves her kids, and loves the outdoors!
She taught me how to make banana sandwiches, tomato gravy, biscuits, dressing, fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, salmon patties.
She was not afraid to try to do anything. She was not always about women's work -- I never knew if a wall would be moved or if one would be added. She protected me and prayed for me when a tornado went over our house. She built a BBQ Pit out of salvaged bricks. She cared for me and her mother in law. She birthed 5 kids. She raised 5 and buried one. I don't think she ever got over it. I know she didn't. She never talked about it.
She is truly one of the most unique people I have ever met. She is not the perfect mother but she is my mother and I love her!
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