Saturday, January 5, 2008

Refreshing Encounter

Debbie and I had the privilege of leading a Marriage Retreat for SonRise Baptist Church in Bowden, GA over the weekend. This wonderful church is lead by a warm and loving pastor and is full of new Christians. It was so refreshing to hear of how God is working there as they reach out to the lost and hurting people there. There was one couple at the retreat who had been married twice ---- to each other! The firs time they were married it lasted 8 years then they were divorced for 8 years and now they have been married again for 4 years. They both were saved and God restored their marriage -- refreshing!!! Another couple shared that they had been living together and his brother had gotten into this church and came to know the Lord. They started coming -- came to Christ and then knew that the right thing to do was to get married -- refreshing!

The church should be about the business of reaching to those kinds of people who are searching in the wrong places for their significance and hope! That can only come from Jesus!

As the pastor of our church I hope that God will get us out from behind those stained glass windows and that in the very near future there will be some stories like these to tell!! REFRESHING!!!

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