Monday, January 7, 2008

God at Work.....

I am constantly amazed at how God works in my life. Lately, God has been teaching me boldness in my faith. I realize that when I received Christ, through Him I have recieved everthing I need, including faith. However, I have been challenged lately to have a bold faith.

A bold faith speaks -- bold faith calls for preaching messages that are clear, precise and to the point!

A bold faith sparks -- bold faith sparks a desire in others to live "on the edge" -- to take the road less traveled. In other words, move forward in my walk with God with a strong sense of security in my relationship with Him.

A bold faith spills -- a bold faith spills over into every part of my life. My church, my family, my relationships -- every part of my life.

It is my desire that all of our church will operate in a BOLD FAITH! When we operate in that kind of faith -- we will see God at work!

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