Following all of this - the king gives Nehemiah all that he needs to go to Jerusalem. The king evens sends horseman, guards, and captains in the king's army. He sent letters of blessing to all of the governors who were in the territories where Nehemiah was passing. Note: Nehemiah gives GOD all of the glory for HIS supply. (v. 8)
Sanballet and Tobias were the two thorns in the flesh for Nehemiah. They were residents of Jerusalem. They were very disturbed that someone was coming to help God's people. Verses 11-12 reveal that this was not just some "adventure" for Nehemiah but a true calling from the Lord. (verse 11 -- God put it in Nehemiah's heart.)
As Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem and began to make inspections. He found total devastation. Some places were not even passable. There was much work to do and one who reads this can almost hear the gears begin to turn in Nehemiah's head.
Now Nehemiah begins to cast the vision in verse 17. He tells the people that they should arise and build so as to no longer be a REPROACH. He then assures the people that the hand of God is on him. He also has the support of the king. (v. 18) Then the people caught the vision and said, "let us rise up and build!" The followed through by beginning this work of God - the vision to rebuild the CITY OF GOD! ZION! Jerusalem!!
When the rose up to work - so did Sanballet and Tobias and their friend, Gesham. They hated the people, laughed at them and even falsely accused them of rebellion against the king. Nehemiah's response was to call on God! (v. 20)
- God will prosper us!
- We will arise and build!
Nehemiah then reminds Sanballet, Tobias, and Gesham that they have not place in the city, no heritage there in Jerusalem. It's almost as if Nehemiah is saying, "you are aliens who are here illegally. We are God's people doing what God has called us to do. He has empowered us and supplied our every need. You just watch - His hand is on this project -- we will be successful because God want us to be successful.
- God caused the king to approach Nehemiah. Nehemiah did not even have to mention the calling of God on his life - THE KING MADE IT POSSIBLE! (v. 2 and v. 4)
- Nehemiah prayed before he answered the king. (v. 4)
- Nehemiah had a God given plan to accomplish what God had called him to do. The plan even included a time line for how long it would take to accomplish the vision.
- When the king granted his requests - Nehemiah gave God the glory. (v.8)
- Nehemiah logically presented the vision/project to the people. (v. 17) NOTE: For further study -- v. 17, "no longer a reproach."
- The people caught the vision. (v. 18)
- Negative forces began to make their presence known! Whenever and wherever God is doing something great - there will always be those who are trying to tear it down.
- Nehemiah reminds Sanballet, Tobias and Gesham that they have no heritage. Heritage calls to mind the importance of a blood line! They have no place there because of who they are! They have not rights there.
- God will prosper the work of their hands (Nehemiah and the people) because of who they are and because of "whose" they are!!!
1 comment:
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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