Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Praying the Unselfish Prayer
Before we can pray, "Lord, Thy Kingdom come," we must be willing to pray, "My Kingdom go."
If I really want to see God do great things in my life I must realize that my kingdom has to fall. When I pray the unselfish prayer God's kingdom will come. God will be glorified. God will be praised because it is that kind of prayer that God honors the most.
I wonder what would happen in the church if everyone took that quote seriously and prayed -- "not my will, but, your will, oh God!" I suspect that God would shake the doorposts of a bunch of hearts and even the doorposts of the church!
I wonder what God is going to teach me next about prayer. Keep checking back and find out! By the way, I am not sure if this is a selfish prayer or not -- but please join Debbie and I in asking God to sell our house in Georiga. We really need to sell it!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Where There is Smoke -- There is Fire!

Did you catch the last part of that quote. "No prayer without flame." I have noticed that the times I pray with the greatest "earnest" is when I am going through the flames about something. You know -- a spiritual wilderness, a hard time, a struggle or something of that nature. It is during those times that I believe God loves our prayers the most. The reason: we are realizing that we are totally dependant on God and we are calling out to THE source. He is our supply -- in every aspect of our lives. Our prayers are an incense to the Lord.
There is an old saying, "where there is smoke, there is fire." I guess what I am trying to say is that where there is sincere, heart wrenching, earnest prayer -- there must be the flame of the Holy Spirit driving us to the point of surrender......and God says, "Ummmmmm -- that smells good!
God loves it when we pray! Sometimes He allows the flames to get pretty hot. The hotter the flame the hotter the passion for finding God's will in any situation. God allows the flame but always remember -- He is the refiiner sitting by the fire always controling the heat. Even though the fire is hot -- it does not consume us! (Malachi 3:3)
Monday, March 24, 2008
An Amazing Revelation
Have you ever had God speak to you so clearly that you just know that it is Him? God gave me an AMAZING REVELATION this morning as I drove into Sylacauga.
I had been praying for Debbie just about the whole way to the office this morning! As I was praying for her, God began to remind me of what He has given me "in her." I began to realize just how much I depend on her and God clearly told me something.
Here is what God helped me to understand:
Clearly, I do not deserve to have such a wonderful wife. She is constantly encouraging me, praying for me and standing with me through this transition time in our lives. By transition, I mean the adjustment we are making to the new ministry in Sylacauga. It has been quite a change. We miss our kids and grandkids more than words can say. We still have a house for sell in Georgia which is becoming a major burdon. This has just been a huge adjustment for us both.
Debbie has kept her promises to me. When I went into the ministry she said that she would go anywhere that God leads us. She has. He has lead us through good times, bad times, wilderness times, exciting times and every step of the way she has been there. She has given up so much so that I could follow the call of God. She gave up on college, career and so much more. God said, "look at what I gave you -- I have blessed you!" He was right. My wife is a treasure and I am not sure I have done a good job expressing that to her. As Proverbs 31 says -- her worth is far above rubies!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Prayer for My Mother
This afternoon just before dinner my sister called and told me that I needed to go to my mother's house. She was asking for me and was very sick. It seems that she came down with the flu this week. She will be 91 on June 19th. When I got there she was very weak but got up to eat some supper. Please pray for her. The flu is bad enough if you are young and healthy but when you are 91 -- it's pretty tough. She is very sick!
Her name is Hazel. Thanks for praying!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
By grace.....
For by grace....
In his letter to the church at Ephesus, Paul makes it very clear that there is something very special about the grace of God. Grace is a gift. The act of grace is a gift. God "graces" us with salvation. We receive the gift of salvation "by grace" and "through faith." It is through faith that we receive the gift of God. It is through the "act of believing" that God bestows the wonderful gift of salvation. There is nothing that we do to earn it or deserve it. Romans 5 teaches very clearly that God saw our sin and still sent Jesus to die for us. Romans 8:1 and following also teaches us that because of God's grace, we who believe, are free from condemnation. Now here is where it gets good! You see...we deserve death and hell, but because of God's grace we are not condemned. Some people say that a great way to remember the definition of grace is: God's Riches At Christ's Expense. It's true -- Jesus paid the price and then "graced" us with His lIFE. Amazing, huh?
Friday, March 7, 2008
Amazing Grace!
It will be my goal during the next few days to share the truth concerning the grace of God.
There are many definitions of God's grace. During my next blog entry I will try to convey the true definition of God's grace. Consider what Paul said in Romans:
"But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace. " Romans 11:6
For me to understand God's grace meant that I had to accept this truth: My acceptance, my worth, my relationship is God is not based on anything I do. God is much more interested in "who" I am and 'WHOSE' I am!
Be sure to check back to read more about this great journey. I can't wait to share it with you!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
I'm Back!!!!!
I am very excited to report that our new youth pastor, Kenny Norris has arrived and is already reaching some new students with the gospel of Christ. Please pray for him as he and his family adjust and reach the students of our region!
God is doing some amazing things in our church. I have had several meetings with people over the past two weeks. All of these meetings have been about salvation. Some have been saved and others want to make sure they are saved! How exciting is that???
Over the next few blog entries I plan to write about a theme that is very near and dear to my heart! GOD'S AMAZING GRACE! Be suret to check back every day to see what God is teaching us!