Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Nehemiah 4 -- Spiritual Warfare

This chapter would be what I consider to be the “spiritual warfare” chapter. Once the word got out that Judah was actually rebuilding the walls, Sanballet was furious. (v.1) He and his buddies mocked the Jews publicly. They constantly played “mind games” with the people who were working.

As usual – Nehemiah responded with prayer.
• Nehemiah’s prayer. (v. 4)
o Turn the plans of the enemy to destruction on their own heads.
o Give them as plunder to a land of captivity – plunder means “wasted destruction.” It was common for the enemy to “plunder” a village. They would come into the village and destroy it for the shear joy of destruction.
o Show everyone their true colors – asked God to keep a record of their sin.

These initial attacks did not stop the people. (v.6) They continued to work. The was was built to half it’s height. They were making progressing. How?

The people had a mind to work. (v.6)
• They were resolute in their actions.
• They believed their leader and followed his leadership.
• They trusted God.
• They did not allow Sanballet and Tobiah to distract them from the task at hand. They were not distracted from re-building….the vision.

When Sanballet and Tobiah heard of their continued success they became “very angry.” (v.7) They did not like hearing that the walls were restored. Most of all they did not like it that “gaps were closing.”

They were beginning to see that their intimidation was not working so their plotting to destroy the work of the Lord increased.
• Their plan
o Attack Jerusalem
o Create confusion
o Destroy the progress

Nehemiah had a plan of his own.
• Nehemiah’s Plan (v. 9)
o Continue in prayer
o Set a watch against the attacks

Even with these plans in place – the people were growing discouraged and weary. They were tired.
• Strength was failing
• Overwhelmed by the amount of destruction and rubbish.
• They were so discouraged that they told Nehemiah that they could not continue.

Because the enemy was so convincing the people began to talk and tell what they were hearing. Again, fear and intimidation was the plan of the day for the Sanballett.
• Surprise attack was imminent. (v. 11)
• Kill everyone so the work would stop.
• Intimidation was intense.
o “No matter where you turn – we will be there.”
o You can’t escape
o They repeated this over and over and kept it before the people so they would not forget, but stay in fear.

God gave Nehemiah a plan:
• Position guards
• Keep families together
• Gather weapons
• Nehemiah was their leader so HE ENCOURAGED THEM!
o Nehemiah’s encouragement
 Do not be afraid.
 Remember the Lord – Great and awesome.
 Get priorities in line.
• Fight for you lives.
• Fight for the brethren.
• Fight for the family.
• Fight for your property.

The Results (v. 15)
• God brought the plan of the enemy to nothing so the people resumed the work on the walls
• Half of the people built the walls and half of them stood as guards.
• The people worked to complete the construction but they were wise. In one hand they held their tools for construction; the other hand held a weapon for defense!

Nehemiah placed a trumpet player near him. The sound of the trumpet was the signal for assembly. There is strength in numbers. Nehemiah saw the danger of the people being spread apart so he said to them, “when you hear the trumpet….rally! Rally means to assemble.
• God will fight for us! (v. 20)

The key to Nehemiah’s success was his faith in God and his determination and unwillingness to waver from the call of God on his life to rebuild the walls!!

Lessons Learned –
• When God gives vision and call to a person, Satan will have his Sanballet’s and Tobiah’s ready to:
o Humiliate
o Intimidate
o Cause confusion
o Attack
• God is faithful
o He gave Nehemiah a plan
o He brought the plans of the enemy to nothing

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