Sunday, November 16, 2008

Psalm 91 - Devotions -- Day 20

The last devotional was about the defeat of evil. No evil is going to overtake you because you have eternal life in Jesus – who is our secret place. Today we are promised that plagues will not come near our dwelling place.

In the 19th century the bubonic plague wiped our thousands of people. In an effort to stop the plague from spreading, residents were required to post a plague notice on their doorposts. People knew to stay away from that home because the plague had come near.

Do you want to hear some good news? There is NO DEATH in the dwelling place of the Most High! Death was defeated at the tomb when Jesus rose from the dead. I love how the Psalmist reminds us that death will not even come near us!

There is not need for warning signs on the doorpost of your spiritual dwelling place. God provided a cure for the plague! The blood of Jesus is the perfect cure for the plague of death. Through Him we have eternal life. Death does not stand a chance! I am alive forevermore in the secret place of the Most High! No plagues for me!

1 comment:

Letitia said...

Hi Tim,
Ashley spotted you and Debbie on Facebook, so we thought we'd drop by and say hi.
We saw Debbie, Amy, and all her children a couple of years ago when they visited.
Stop by and say Hi.
James and Letitia